by sylvia | May 2, 2020 | Projects
KAGARKO Hibiscus Cooperative The Cooperative KAGARGO is located in the Nigerian state of Kaduna, about 50 km south of the city of Kaduna. The cooperative counts 1022 small farmers with a total area of 1922 ha. The cultivation of hibiscus has a long tradition in this...
by sylvia | May 2, 2020 | Projects
MAZEDONIA Ginger Cooperative The Cooperative MAZEDONIA is located in the Nigerian state of Kaduna, about 17 km west of the city of Jos. The clustered cooperative consists of 12 cooperatives with an average of 800 to 1000 farmers. We want to start with a cooperative...
by sylvia | May 2, 2020 | Projects
OBINABO Palm Oil Cooperative The women’s cooperative OBINABO is located in the Nigerian state of Anambra, 20 km south of the capital Awka. The cooperative has 2890 members and a cultivation area of 3028 ha of extensive oil palm stock, which is cultivated in the...
by sylvia | May 2, 2020 | Projekte
KAGARKO Hibiskus-Kooperative Die Kooperative KAGARKO liegt im nigerianischen Bundesstaat Kaduna, etwa 50km südlich der Stadt Kaduna. Die gut 1000 Kleinbauern bewirtschaften hier eine Gesamtfläche von knapp 2000 Hektar Land. Gerade in dieser Gegend hat der Anbau von...
by sylvia | May 2, 2020 | Projekte
MAZEDONIA Ingwer-Kooperative Die Kooperative MAZEDONIA befindet sich im nigerianischen Bundesstaat Kaduna, ca. 17km westlich der Stadt Jos. Neben Gemüse wird hier auf 500 Hektar Ingwer in Handarbeit angebaut, jeder Kleinbauer bewirtschaftet etwa ein bis zwei Hektar...
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