MAZEDONIA Ginger Cooperative

The Cooperative MAZEDONIA 

is located in the Nigerian state of Kaduna, about 17 km west of the city of Jos. The clustered cooperative consists of 12 cooperatives with an average of 800 to 1000 farmers. We want to start with a cooperative consisting of 873 small farmers with an average of 2.4 ha of land and a total area of 2100 ha. The average farmer family embraces 7 people including the parents. Besides vegetables, ginger is grown on about 500 ha. The processing is done centrally in the cooperative’s processing plant. There the ginger is washed, cut, dried, packed in bags and stored.

The aim

The aim is to improve harvest and processing hygiene considerably through training and to open up alternative supply markets for more income by switching to organic products.  By purchasing a cutting machine, the ginger can be sliced thinner, which in turn reduces the time needed for drying and thus significantly improves the quality. With the help of these measures, and in particular through advice on conversion to organic farming, a large proportion of the ginger can be exported to Europe at better prices, so that the income can be used to create new investments and thus new jobs. This creates a real perspective for the villages of the cooperative and thus an approach to curb the causes of flight of the youth.

Your support

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