OBINABO Palm Oil Cooperative

The women’s cooperative OBINABO

is located in the Nigerian state of Anambra, 20 km south of the capital Awka. The cooperative has 2890 members and a cultivation area of 3028 ha of extensive oil palm stock, which is cultivated in the traditional way (loose palm stock, no plantation management). In 5 simple processing units the oil is extracted with primitive oil presses, filtered and sold on the local markets.

The aim

The aim is to plant new oil palms to rejuvenate the stock. Through training and advice, the project is to be converted to organic, as organic palm oil is in high demand.  This project proves, that the natural way of producing palm oil is protecting the natural environment. At the same time, it is planned to invest in new oil presses and processing equipment to improve the hygienic and quality level of the oil and thus achieve better prices. With the additional income, the project become self-sustainable and will invest in further training, development and basic medical care.

Your support

Donations are required for consultancy and investment in new technical equipment for sustainable palm oil processing. With the first partial export of organic palm oil, the project should be self-sustaining.



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